Fleet Management System
The application is an Android version of a larger Fleet Management System build for a Malaysian logistics firm that is focused on tracking all the vehicles owned by the firm using Cloud data and Location Based Services. The project also included building and deployment of J2EE Webservice on Amazon Server.
Features include:
- Vehicle Tracking through Cloud connectivity.
- Nearest vehicle search using Cloud and Google LBS.
- Full access to each vehicle's info such as Fuel Level, Position, Engine Condition, Battery State, GPS State, Nearest Point of Interest, Speed, Heading Direction etc.
- Secure login system that leverages device's MAC address for Authorization.
- Listings of Vehicles and Employees that are being managed by the current user.
- Access to each Employee's Details.
- Access to each Vehicle and it's Driver's details that is under supervision of current user.
- Several utility features such as following a particular vehicle on the map, tracking specific vehicles and more.
- Vehicle History Playback feature to track the route and technical details of a vehicle within a particular time period with the help of realtime playback.
- Tyre Management System
Find Project Reference here.
For suggestions and queries, just contact me.